Connection-Oriented Ethernet (COE) Phase 3A Station Expansion Contract W-47012


MCSS collaborated with The LiRo Group, providing support for the Communications of Excellence (COE) expansion project, which involved field work at 24 core site locations across Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. MCSS contributed an Electrical Inspector who was responsible for overseeing the work performed by electricians and contractors, including the installation of cable trays, fiber optic cables, switches, and other communication equipment in designated areas. The Electrical Inspector also coordinated site acceptance tests and site integration tests, ensuring that the installations were up to standard. They worked directly with the MTA Electronics Maintenance Division (EMD) to facilitate access and protection for contractor work in Communication Rooms and other sensitive subway locations. The Field Engineer documented their findings and observations in daily field reports, ensuring transparency and accountability throughout the project.

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